Daniel Stearns

Director of Boxed In 2 - Daniel Stearns was born in Hialeah, Florida on November 12th, 1993. He began his craft in filmmaking at 14 years old, shooting and editing home videos. He started a wedding cinematography company with Albert Tong at 16. He went to study film production in Gainesville, Florida, and was quickly hired out to Univision to shoot and edit on the show La Banda at 20. He moved to Atlanta, GA in 2020 where he pursued narrative filmmaking. In 2022 he created an online mini-series called Tremble, which Daniel wrote and directed. His series stood out to Freeli Films, and landed him his first directorial role on a feature length film called Boxed In 2, starring Reginae Carter. Daniel is known for his hands-on approach to filmmaking, always operating camera and pulling focus while directing. His credits also include editing, writing, music composition, VFX, producing and animation.
Let’s Connect
T R E M B L E // Chapter III
Pierced and Perfected Trailer
Mad3 for M3 Music Video
Written in Time POC
Zero Eclipse POC